
This is an example of a derived data registry that contains a log, code, and data.

  1. The log is a .json file containing dataset and variable meta-data. Its format adapts some aspects of the Psych-DS specification. If researchers don’t want to use a .json file, this could also be formatted as a .csv or other form of spreadsheet.

It includes a variable under development:

And some variables that have been registered:

  1. The code contains a single .R file for calculating personality derivatives from the Big Five Inventory. When other variables types are registered, their code is uploaded in separate files.

  2. The data contains a single .csv file containing personality derivatives from the Big Five Inventory and shares the same name as the code. When other variables types are registered, their data ought to be uploaded to in separate files, as well. Take care to ensure that only those with permission to access the data can do so.


To create this example, we adpated code from the Psych-DS example BFI dataset.